and last thing to all the sweethreats who are having exams now...ganbatte! remember,
im starting to see a pattern. everytime im bored and/or am procastinating, blogging here i come. :)
First off, yes, its architecture again. and yes, im strangly attracted to broken/damanged/ruined buildings. this is just a temporary state for this particular building, though it seems to be take a pretty long time for renovation. you've got to admit its pretty cool. much like a skeleton.
the great summer-y weather's perfect for picnics by the pool, as modled here by the (very hungry) babe. :) and man, those sandwiches were good.
Thi is the void deck of susan's block, which has been renovated and is pretty elderly friendly now, with ramps and all. just one question though. what the hack are these for? cookies to the enterprising soul who can actually find a use for these things...
more photographic evidence of stuff ive been doing...feeding myself! :) and i make up my own recipes, no less. mostly cuz im too free-spirited and innovative (read, lazy) to actually check out books and stuff. this one's a calling it summer orange salad, simply because it contains...oranges. :) and iceberg lettuce, tomatos, and baked chicken nuggests, cubed. Dressing is pepper, lemons and olive oil. Yum, yum, yum. if you're dying to escape the heat, everything can be mixed and chilled in the fridge first except the nuggets.
final foto! taken when i was out with wj (no, another wj)...we went to tiong baru for porriage (which was pretty good, but thats another story). after dinner we walked through the neighbourhood, which is pretty old. with letterboxes to match, as you can see!
yep, 'nother update done. till nex time!
okay, post time!
and the view of the pool from our room. really weird one though...the pool, i mean. its not often u see 3.5 meter got pretty scary swimming over that section.
One more memorable thing about penang has to be the architecture there, as a lot of the old houses built during colonial times are still standing. Sadly, not all of them are in every good condition. As i hae a ruined house fetish, however, this proved not to be a problem. Some highlights of lovely architecture, both of the ruined and non-ruined variety.
Yes yes, not architecture i know. But heck, who can resist a lane like that?? :D
(yes finally architecture!) a lovely, lovely building i found. its just...woah. hee. you want irony? the two buildings on either side of this poor dear are modern skyscrapers. Its quintessesntially penang.
Now this....all ive got to say is: a room with a view, anyone? :) man, the real esate industry over there's just digging themselves a new grave. ha.
Anyway that picture's helping me segue into the other reason why i went to penang: qing ming jie. visited graves from both sides of the family. Not wanting to have too many pictures of graveyards and/or headstones, which arent the world's most tasteful photographic material on my blog, I bring to you this:
A pretty interesting looking statue from on of the graveyards i visited. Gravesites here (especially the old ones) are really well decorated, some even with tiled floors. The're almost pretty, really. Looking at these though, it really is kinda sad that burials are a luxury here, not to be had for love and money. Outdated custom, maybe. Lets not forget all the culture, and craftsmanship, which tend to walk hand in hand with customary practices.
with, that. finito! :)
one post which didnt require yh's prompting to write.